this is lemonade

A mindful, grateful, creative life: Life constantly hurls lemons at us. I’m on a mission to make lemonade as best I can, by God’s grace.

WordPress selectively broken?


Hello dear precious readers,

Have any of you found that you are not getting feeds from all the blogs that you have followed on WordPress? In the past week or so, I clicked on two blogs that I hadn’t read any posts from for a while, with the intention of leaving a friendly message to see if the bloggers were ok. They were prolific bloggers and I figured if they weren’t blogging, something might be wrong.

Turns out it was WordPress (I think) unless someone can point out that I’ve been a bit daft or need new glasses. I mean, WordPress does show me a nice tick next to these blogs to confirm that I’m following them and the bloggers have thankfully been happily and busily blogging away all this time. It’s just nobody told me about it!

And there I was, worrying my poor little head about them…

One thing in common between these two blogs is that they both have their own url. I don’t know if that made a difference. When I have time I will need to check through all my favourite blogs to see if I’ve been missing out on more than I thought. Might need to have a quick chat with Mr Mullenweg to see if things are running ok at HQ 😉

Well I just thought I’d drop you a quick note to see if the powers that be are just frowning down on me, or if anyone else was finding that this has been happening to them? Hello? Did anyone get my post in their feed? Please let me know 🙂

Have a good end-of-the-weekend!

17 thoughts on “WordPress selectively broken?

  1. Dear Lemonade,
    I just mentioned you in MY article. I’m having WP problems as well!! I hope they fix themselves, because I have no idea about what to do!
    Thank you!

  2. Pingback: I’m appalled « Carr party of five

  3. I was having the same problem and I went and checked my settings. They were all switched around … some were set to “instant,” others to “weekly” and most had been reset to “never.” I think the settings section may have been revised because I don’t recall ever setting those preferences … but now that I know about them, I’ve reset all of them. Hopefully, that will solve the problem. Take a look, maybe a lot of your subscriptions have reset themselves to “never” for email notification.

    • Thank you for the suggestions. However, my problem is to do with it not showing up in the WordPress reader. Strangely enough, it’s not everything that’s broken – I am getting some notifications and not all of my followers are having problems. Email seems to be fine for me, but obviously there is something wrong there too on if you experienced strange goings on – I hope it’s resolved properly for you!

  4. I do notice really heavy traffic around midnight your time, and the site grinds to a halt. i think they may need to upgrade their servers 😦

  5. : (
    the only problem I have encountered is that I do not see that I am registered when I press the “like” other people’s blogs

  6. a few glitches here too…hmmmmm

  7. i am having this same problem! and i notice the decrease in LIKES in my blog too. i noticed i actually did click when i read the post i like but after refreshing for new post, the Liked isnt shown and i have to click it again.

      • where can we write in to ask about this?

      • I’ve tried to find somewhere to write to, but it doesn’t seem to be available. However I just published from WordPress and found that the usual “we have notified your followers” style blurb did not show. Instead, it showed a third-party thing that you seem to have to sign up for… times are a-changing on WordPress it seems 😥 I don’t know if that’s the reason.

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